
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Prepare for Slow Economy

I’ve covered the stagnant economy and money saving ideas a number of times in many different posts.   People are still worried about jobs, high food prices, and the ever increasing deficit.  I think the most important thing people can do is be prepared for anything.

As the new year begins, make a firm decision to become prepared and do everything you can towards this goal.

Buy food and other necessities now while the prices are still manageable.  Buy items on sale and combine with coupons.  Even if nothing happens, you know prices are only going to increase so you really can’t lose by setting aside a good stockpile.
Even if you are employed and are comfortable with your finances, save some money and avoid getting into new debt.

Have a “worse case scenario” plan on what you would do if there were an economy collapse and the main wage earner of the family were to lose his or her job.  What if you can no longer pay your rent or mortgage?  Would you combine forces with your family and move in with them?  These are not pleasant thoughts, but if you deal with them now, you avoid going into shock later.  You will also be able to make a plan and take action now to ensure a better outcome.
Value your job.  Make yourself as valuable as possible by volunteering to learn new skills, exceeding your boss’s expectations and being a team player.
Pick up a “side gig” or two to supplement your income.  It can be as simple as selling books and items you no longer need, or making crafts and selling them online.
Take care of your health – use all your workplace benefits toward getting new glasses, getting checkups, maintaining your dental work etc.
Eliminate spending on services you no longer use:  ditch cable if you are no longer on contract, get rid of the gym membership if you never go, stop those magazine subscriptions that you never read.
Maintain your car and make it last as long as possible.
Instead of buying, find a way to make things yourself.  All you have to do is try. Try making your own bread, cereal, yogurt, muffins, laundry detergent – even dog treats.  You can even make your own skincare products. These are easy projects that can be done in a few minutes.
Don’t use shopping as entertainment – having fun does not have to cost a lot.
Don’t neglect your emergency supplies.  Build your emergency food, water and necessities, buying a small amount as you can afford.  Continue to stockpile but make sure you rotate your supplies to avoid waste.

The right to make a copy for personal use is part of most existing publishing agreements. This right is recognised as an important right for the author. Because the right is attached to the author and in most cases well defined, personal use won’t harm the publisher.

Monday, January 4, 2016

10 Reasons to Prepare for an Economic Collapse

1.  Food Shortages Can Actually Happen

Most people assume that they will always be able to run out to their local supermarket or warehouse club.  Those of us that prepare, know better. It is those folks that do not prepare that we need to worry about.

2. Medicine Is One Of The First Things That Becomes Scarce During An Economic Collapse

When credit systems and distribution channels are compromised, medical supplies will not make their way to the local pharmacy.  Any medicines and supplies that are available will likely be diverted for use by the power elite.  Sorry to be such a cynic but we all know that there are privileged classes that have the power and the means to get whatever they want, even if it means denying the rest of the population with their fair share.

3.  When An Economy Collapses, So Might The Power Grid

No money to pay workers and no fuel to fire the grid translates into no grid at all.  Going without power for a week or two is one thing but going off grid for months or even years?  We are a soft society accustomed to our comforts.  Without the grid, our lives will be quite different than the life we live today.

4.  During An Economic Collapse You Cannot Even Take Water For Granted

When the grid goes down, so goes the water treatment facilities that ensure that clean water flows from our faucets.  I survived 12 days without running water.  Do-able yes.  Fun? Hardly, but I knew the water would come back on eventually. What if the water never came back on?

5. During An Economic Crisis Your Credit Cards And Debit Cards May Stop Working

Same thing.  If the grid is down, our banking system will basically be down too.  This means that credit cards and debit cards will be useless to transact business and make purchases.

6.  Crime, Rioting And Looting Become Commonplace During An Economic Collapse

This is not a maybe.  The haves will need to defend their property from the have-not’s.  I also suspect that the “haves” (aka preppers) may have to defend themselves from government looters.  It will be every man or woman on their own; defending what is theirs.

The young and healthy might be able to handle this but what about the elderly, the sick, and the disabled?  Even if they prep, how will they defend themselves?

7. During A Financial Meltdown Many Average Citizens Will Start Bartering

Without credit cards, debit cards, and quite possibly currency, a barter economy will emerge.  By the way, the best description I have read relative to how such an economy will work was is James Wesley Rawles book, Patriots.

Things will definitely fall apart during an economic collapse. Having supplies and especially skills to barter with not be an option.

8. Suicides Spike During An Economic Collapse

This happened in the 30s and it will happen again. When people no longer have hope, they feel that life is not worth living.  My guess is people will start jumping out of buildings and may take family members with them in a suicide pact.

9.  Your Currency May Rapidly Lose Value During An Economic Crisis

Let me take this one step further.  Your currency WILL lose value during an economic collapse.  It happened in Germany during the Weimar Republic and it has happened more recently elsewhere around the globe.  We are not immune to runaway inflation coupled with devaluation of our currency.

10. When Things Hit The Fan The Government Will Not Save You

If you think that the government will come to the rescue of those that are suffering think again.  Remember the aftermath of Katrina?  Remember Super Storm Sandy?

It is foolhardy to believe that government assistance of any type will become available following a collapse. History has demonstrated over and over again that governments cannot be counted on when things hit the fan. You will be on your own so you better be ready mentally to accept that reality and the tough times that will ensue.

As Conclusion

So where do we go from here?  What solutions are there to get you through to that mental place you know you will need to go to?

Three things you need to remember are:

1.  Only you can be counted on to take care of yourself and your family.
2.  Leaning coping skills during times of calm will give you a heads up on coping during times of crisis.
3.  Give yourself permission to worry, to be concerned, and to be a bit afraid.  This will keep you alert and on your toes at all time.

At the end of the day, those that prepare will be in it for the ride.  The real question is whether we have the mental fortitude to get there without losing are path along the way.

The right to make a copy for personal use is part of most existing publishing agreements. This right is recognised as an important right for the author. Because the right is attached to the author and in most cases well defined, personal use won’t harm the publisher.